Friday 25 September 2009



after a short break focusing on developments in life I have got very itchy fingers to get back to the drawing board and get my work back on track. Developing my folio constantly so I can have something I'm proud of to show agencies and editors is my main priority.. has been for far too long and I'm beginning to wonder if being a perfectionist and very self critical means I'll never reach the position I want to be in, so I may have to accept my work as it is and stop trying to make my folio perfect in my eyes.. I don't think I'll ever manage it!

Getting things back on track comes after spending the last few months focusing on love.. that wonderful and elusive thing which I feel I am so very very lucky to have found (in the cliche most unlikely of places). Falling in love and developing the early part of a relationship certainly removes attention from being creative.. for me it does unless the creativity is connected to the person I love which isn't particularly helpful as being an illustrator is rarely about self-indulgence!

Happily the union in love is also a creative one as my nearest and dearest is a poet. I'll be keeping the blog updated with our collaboration work which will hopefully be beneficial to both of us and feed our creative urges.